Although the underwear is a joke (which I really don't expect to receive it), and the perfume is another expensive thing, but to me, they are just material thing, but this blog and your heart and soul, is the most precious of all, which couldn't be replaced by anything in this world...once again, there's nothing I can say but a "thanks a lot!!! Muaxxxxx <3"
Among you all, I only knew jun & jw during secondary school when we were in the same class and tuition class. I had met jin , chian and eng during secondary school, but hong, really sorry le, I don't have any image that you are in the same school with me for the 7 years, shame of me(~~~~zzz) Thanks to LightzOfHope in giving me a chance to know hong and mg.
"My life would suck without you" is a song from Kelly Clarkson and there is nothing more suitable than this to describe my feeling now. You, Maplestory, has built our relationship. You, LightzOfHope, has been a bridge joining and merging us together. Most vitally, you guys. Without you guys, this game will not be interesting for me, I might quitted this game after a few months if I was not "draged" into LightzOfHope, haha. Thanks to jw n jun for pulling and persuading me when I started playing. And, I have been enjoyed a lot while playing with you guys in the game. Muaxxx everyone wet wet!!!
Lastly, I will like to thank you guys again for this effort, and I really appreciate you all. 你们已占了我心中的一个部分,也占据了我的生命里的极其重要的一环. 我将永远感激你们!!!
P/S: I will use this blog to its fullest, as I am still a new fish in blogging, so please forgive me that this is just a simple note.
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